The brain is the base of all experiences and behaviour. Within the last twenty years, new technologies in brain research – predominantly functional magnetic resonance tomography – has enabled researchers to make groundbreaking, unexpected, and also very practical discoveries about the brain as well as behaviour. However, despite these rapid developments purely neuroscientific methods studying countless neurons seem not sufficient to fully understand how human cognitions, feelings, intentions and actions emerge.
Our mission statement:
The research network Brain and Behaviour at the University of Graz aims to combine behavioural and neuroscientific methods in a multimethod and interdisciplinary research effort to shed further light on this issue. We combine modern imaging technologies and up-to-date brain-stimulation techniques with innovative as well as classic behavioural research methods and measurements. This approach empowers us to provide answers to pressing societal challenges. In today’s society achievement and knowledge are crucial for development and success. To excel, competencies have to be identified, harnessed, supported, and preserved. At the same time, people’s health and well-being has to be considered, protected, and if necessary restored.
The two research areas of competencies and health are the background for the specific research fields joined into the research network Brain and Behaviour. The diversity of the research network manifests itself not only in the diversity of research fields, but also in the diversity of participating researchers. In this open network researchers of all six faculties at the University of Graz as well as researchers from the University of Technology, the Medical University, and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz cooperate productively. They pool a wide spectrum of methods and perspectives, ranging from Pharmacy and Genetics, the exploration of the morphological and functional structures of the brain to interdisciplinary investigations concerning human nature. Together we aim to gain knowledge, insights, and progress by utilizing an empirical-experimental research approach.
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Psych. Dr.rer.nat. Anja Ischebeck
Phone:+43 316 380 - 5118
Location:Institut für Psychologie
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Psych. Dr.phil. Katja Corcoran
Phone:+43 316 380 - 8520
Location:Institut für Psychologie